


LaCotze Proxy

Eure Schule blockiert Websites die ihr besuchen wollt? Kein Problem! Mit dem LaCotze Proxy stehen euch alle Sites zur Verfügung!

LaCotze haftet nicht für den Gebrauch von illegalen Seiten!!

'; switch ($data['group']) { case 'url': echo 'URL Error (' . $data['error'] . '): '; switch ($data['type']) { case 'internal': $message = 'Failed to connect to the specified host. ' . 'Possible problems are that the server was not found, the connection timed out, or the connection refused by the host. ' . 'Try connecting again and check if the address is correct.'; break; case 'external': switch ($data['error']) { case 1: $message = 'The URL you\'re attempting to access is blacklisted by this server. Please select another URL.'; break; case 2: $message = 'The URL you entered is malformed. Please check whether you entered the correct URL or not.'; break; } break; } break; case 'resource': echo 'Resource Error: '; switch ($data['type']) { case 'file_size': $message = 'The file your are attempting to download is too large.
' . 'Maxiumum permissible file size is ' . number_format($GLOBALS['_config']['max_file_size']/1048576, 2) . ' MB
' . 'Requested file size is ' . number_format($GLOBALS['_content_length']/1048576, 2) . ' MB'; break; case 'hotlinking': $message = 'It appears that you are trying to access a resource through this proxy from a remote Website.
' . 'For security reasons, please use the form below to do so.'; break; } break; } echo 'An error has occured while trying to browse through the proxy.
' . $message . '

'; break; } ?>